
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2018

The ideal Family

For me the ideal family who have 4 children (2 Boys and 2 Girls ) because they will love each other The pros of all girls are they will help each other , their mother and the house will be tidy   The cons are the family will spend alot of money because of shopping When the family have all boys the pros are  they will help their mum to buy thigns from supermarket and I think that cons are the house and their room will be  messy and they make some problems : And of course the family have rules are You must help your mum in housework ◾  You musn't do any problems ◾   You have to listen your parents advices  ◾  

My Favorite sport .

 Hi everybody , I want to tell you  about my favorite sport is swimmimg I do it outside and  on water    I wear special clothes But I don’t use special equipment    , I have to be strong to swim very good  I do it in the sea or in Chalet  I do it with my Family or alone and I earn money to go to the sea and do my favorite sport Finally I will show you some pictures I've taken to the sea when I was going with my family 

Glossary of beauty words 💎

  مسكارا   Mascara ◾   الجفن Eyelid  ◾    الحاجب  Eyebrow  ◾     مستحضرات  Cosmetic  ◾  فرشاة   Brush ◾   النمش Freckles ◾   حبوب الشباب  Acne  ◾   خبيرة مكياج  Makeup artist ◾  شمع wax ◾   يضع  put on  ◾   يضع    apply  ◾   انتزاع  Grab  ◾   يزيل  pluck  ◾   كونسيلر و هو خافي للعيوب Concealer  ◾  ملقط الحاجبين Tweezers ◾   الشعر بين الحاجبين Unibrow◾   أحمر شفاه Lip stick ◾   قلم العين ( كحل العين ) Eye pencil ◾  ظلال العيون  Eye shadow ◾  أساس للوجه Foundation◾   مسحوق أحمر الخدود Powder Blush ◾   أحمر الخدود Blush ◾   عطر  perfume ◾       

My weekend 😌 !

Hi everybody 😊💜 .  After a busy week of  work  and  study  people need to relax and enjoy a lovely weekend with family and friends . For me , I sometimes hang out with  my mum we eat delicious cakes and some icecream in Mazaj shop . The best thing in weekend is that I wake up late without take care of the time . In short ,  i can't wait untill the next  weekend 😹.

My village in origin 💜 .

My village in origin is Yibna Its population in 1945 was estimated at 6287 people it's a Palestinian village that was occupied in 4/6/1948 by the Israeli occupation. In the Roman era it was known as Yemen and the Franks mentioned it Evelyn and the Arab named it Yibna . It was built on a high hill located to south east of Jaffa and located 15 kilometers southwest of Ramla . This village is considered one of the largest villages in Ramla . it was considered an important node in the transportation network connecting southern and central Palestine .   It had a Railway station between Gaza and lod and Gaza-Jafaa highway passed through its territory . Now unfortunality it’s in the hands of the Israel occupation and they set up settlements on it Finally I hopt that my village will be free to return to it with my family and see it .    Mamluk minaret in Yibna